There is this beautiful song by Kid Rock called 'CARE' in
which he says:
I hear screaming on the left, yelling on the right, I am sitting
in the middle trying to live my life,I can't stop the war,
shelter homeless, feed the poor, Can't walk on water, I can't
save your sons and daughters, I can't change the world and
make things fair, The least that I can do, The least that
I can do, The least that I can do is 'Care'.
Words are a Parable
Don't these words apply to everyday life and to the situations
that we all find ourselves in most of the time. Don't we hear
people screaming on the left, yelling on the right? Can we
stop the wars, shelter the homeless, or feed the poor? Can
we walk on water, can we save countless sons and daughters?
Can we change the world and make things fair?
Can we, can we, can we?
Yes, it is true, we can't stop the wars, shelter homeless,
feed the poor, we can't walk on water, we can't save countless
sons and daughters, we can't change the world and make things
fair, but the least that we can do is 'CARE', but how? Let's
find out:
can we Stop the Wars?
There is a WAR going on every day inside each of us. It is
a WAR between our Good and Bad, Positive and Negative, or
to term it in a religious manner, between God and Devil. In
every major situation of our daily lives, there are two VOICES
talking to us from the inside. Both give conflicting and opposite
solution to the issues at hand. One pulls you towards the
Good and the other towards the Bad, one provides an easy solution,
the other, a very difficult one. For example if someone insulted
or slapped you, the Good says FORGIVE, but the Bad says RETALIATE.
Perhaps you may now understand the true meaning behind the
words of Buddha and Jesus - "If someone slaps you, show
the other cheek". They were simply showing us the way
how to end these WARS going on inside each of us by ACHIEVING
VICTORY IN EVERY CONFLICT. The truth is bitter and the bitter
truth is: Only if each of us is able to achieve victory in
these WARS going on every day inside us, only then the external
wars going on in this beautiful universe, or the Garden of
Eden that we live in, will stop.
How can we Shelter the Homeless and Feed the
Once the internal WARS end, in due time, the external WARS
will end too and there will be PEACE all over. Then, the money
that was being used to finance those wars can be used to shelter
the homeless, feed the poor and provide them with FREE EDUCATION
to bring in equality and progress of the real kind that everyone
is looking for.
How can we Change the World?
Once we change our inner WORLD and there is peace inside,
the outer WORLD will automatically change and there will be
no more conflicts. And once the homeless are provided homes,
the poor provided food, and the children of tomorrow free
education, the World will definitely change.
How to Begin the Process?
To begin the process of stopping the wars, shelter the homeless,
feed the poor and change the World, the only thing that you
need to do is CARE, but CARE for whom? No body else, but YOU.
If you begin to care for yourself, that is care for your HEALTH,
everything else will start to fall in place. If someone attacks
a Kingdom, the outer boundaries or walls need to be strong
to stop the ENEMY from entering and cause destruction and
eventually enslave the residents. Our PHYSICAL BODY is that
outer wall of our Kingdom and we need to CARE for it to make
it strong and healthy. Sickness and Disease are the ENEMIES
that are ever-ready to attack and enter to cause destruction
to our organs and eventually enslave the Good, or the Positive,
or the Godly part of our inner voice. When that voice is enslaved
by sickness, disease, dangerous drugs and medications, then
most of the times it is the Bad, or the Negative, or the Devil
inside us that decides what action to take. And then the same
story will continue as usual, and you will keep on hearing:
Screaming on the left, yelling on the right,
While you sit in the middle trying to live your life, You
won't be able to stop the wars, shelter homeless, feed the
poor, Nor would you walk on water, or save countless sons
and daughters,
You won't be able to change the world and make things fair,
If you don't do the least that you can do, And the least that
you can do is 'Care'.
So take care to do the least that you can do, that is, CARE
for yourself, and then one day see the MAGICAL RESULTS when
you too will 'WALK ON WATER'.
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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