Being on planet Earth is like being enrolled in a School,
College, or University, to learn your lessons and move forward
to a higher state of life. Just like one begins the initial
learning from a School, then moves on to College, and eventually
to a University to attain a Master's degree, so it is with
life. Unless and until you become a Master of your Self and
attain the Master's degree, there is no moving forward to
a higher life.
are Repeated until you Learn
Unlike a physical School, lessons of life are repeated again
and again, until you learn and pass the relevant tests. And
every time you fail, the same test will be repeated in a harder
form, and will usually be accompanied with some form of stress,
suffering and pain.
The greater your rate of failure, the harder the tests will
get, and greater will be the amount of stress, suffering and
pain. You simply cannot skip a test until you have learned
it and passed, as 'The Teacher of Life' does not allow that.
is the only Time to Learn
Accept the truth that Life is indeed a Learning Center and
you are a Student of Life for a full life-time. If currently
your life is filled with stress, pain, health problems, or
failure, it simply means you are not learning the lessons
coming your way and are failing again and again. And each
time you have failed, the tests have only become harder, resulting
into more stress, more health problems, and more pain. So
if you are indeed serious to put your Life in order and move
forward toward happiness, peace, good health and success,
now is the time for action, as there never was and never will
be another time or any unknown tomorrow. Whenever tomorrow
has indeed shown up since the Universe began, it has only
shown up as Today.
Choice to Enroll is entirely Yours
The choice to enroll in the School of Life and become an active
Student is entirely yours.You can take action right now to
become a bonafide Learner and enjoy all the happiness, peace
and success that comes from learning and passing the Tests
of Life. Or you can choose to ignore this message and continue
being an illiterate and be surrounded with all the pain, stress,
failure and suffering that illiteracy brings.
And remember, there is no enrollment or tuition fee to gain
admission and study in this School of Life. It is absolutely
Happy enrollment and good luck in becoming a Master of your
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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