Five Magical Principles of Life
There are five
magical principles of life.
And if you can apply these to your daily life, you could experience
Heaven on Earth. These are no ordinary principles, this is
why I call them Magical. And you cannot experience 'Heaven'
right here on Earth, if you don't go beyond being an ordinary
person. These principles have the power to turn you into an
extra-ordinary person, but only if you will make the effort
to study them and make practical application to your daily
number One
Just for today,
do not get angry or annoyed.
Yes, this is the first magical principle of life and the key
to true happiness. When you do not get angry or annoyed today,
whatever you do, you will do it in a happy manner. And whoever
you will meet, you will meet in a happy manner. Doing things
and meeting people in a happy manner will obviously bring
happy results, and you will begin to move towards success
and prosperity.
number Two
Just for today,
do not get worried or upset.
Yes, this is the second magical principle of life. When you
do not get worried or upset over anything that happens today,
you will really be able to focus on all that is happening
around you. And when you do that, you will be amazed to find
how wonderful and beautiful life is, and you will be a satisfied
and happy person at the end of the day.
number Three
Just for today,
do your work with full honesty and sincerity.
Yes, this is the third magical principle of life. Whatever
you do today, do it as if you are doing it for yourself, but
the whole world will benefit from it. Anything done with honesty
and sincerity affects the entire Universe and the returns
come back to you day after day, year after year, and life
after life.
number Four
Just for today,
honor your father, mother, teachers, neighbors, and food.
Yes, this is the fourth magical principle of life. When you
honor your Father and Mother, you are in fact honoring the
ultimate source of Creation. When you honor your Teachers,
you are honoring the ultimate source of Knowledge. When you
honor your Neighbors, you are fulfilling the law of love.
And when you honor your Food, you honor your source of existence
on Earth.
number Five
Just for today,
count your blessings and be thankful.
Yes, this is the fifth magical principle of life. When you
count your blessings and are thankful, you realize how much
you really have. Never look at someone who is above you, always
look at the fellow below you. After all, it does not matter
how much you have, but how much you enjoy and cherish what
you have.
Apply these Five
Magical Principles of Life to your life today and day after
day. In fact don't give up until you see your life changing,
until you begin to experience 'Heaven on Earth'. After all,
a blessing is a blessing only if you can see and feel it,
otherwise it might as well be considered a curse. And life
is life only if you can see and feel alive, otherwise it might
as well be a dying proposition.
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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