Do you know that each of us has been assigned an exclusive
Magical Container in which all our Deeds, whether Good, or
Bad are automatically placed in. It is just like personally
writing our daily deeds on a piece of paper and placing them
in the container. The Creator or the Universe created such
an amazing software which is a part of our every part, and
it does not miss a single deed that is not recorded and placed
in this container. Once a deed is in, there is no way that
you can take it out, no matter how hard you try.
Every Container
Eventually Fills Up
When you continue adding items, every container will eventually
fill up. For example, you have a container in which you keep
on adding spare coins; one day it will eventually fill up.
And then what happens? If you add any more coins, it will
begin to overflow and the coins start to fall out. Likewise,
the Magical Container also eventually gets filled up and then
our deeds begin to flow out. But then, there is a major functional
difference between these two containers. In the coin container
we add the coins from the top and once it gets filled, no
more coins can be added. While in the Magical Container the
deeds get added from the bottom, and as the older ones begin
flowing out the new ones keep on adding.
And Our
Deeds Become Visible To All
Once the Magical Container fills up, our Deeds begin to flow
out and become visible to all those who are around us. It
is like we become completely exposed, all those things we
had secretly kept hidden within us come into full view of
our family, friends, society and people at our workplace or
business. Just like a pregnant woman cannot hide her pregnancy
for long, and eventually after nine months the baby flows
out of her to become visible to all those around her. In exactly
the same manner we cannot hide our deeds for long and once
they flow out of our Magical Container they become clearly
visible. Only when a woman delivers people will know whether
it's a Boy or Girl, and only when our Deeds over-flow will
people know whether they are Good or Bad.
Only We
Are Responsible For Our Deeds
Whatever Deeds we do every day only we are responsible, and
only we will enjoy or suffer from the positive or negative
outcome from those deeds. If you knew how this Magical Container
worked and one day you will stand exposed in front of all
those you know, would you have done any Bad Deeds in the first
place? It is a part of our normal human nature that we want
to be recognized as Good people, because the spiritual instincts
within all of us are nothing but good. As every scripture
confirms that 'Flesh is weak'; it is out of that weakness
of the flesh we end up doing Bad Deeds.
The Law of Sow and Reap
One of the most vital laws of our beautiful Universe, 'The
Law of Sow and Reap' has stood the test of time since creation.
Whatever you sow is eventually what you will reap. In other
words, whatever Deeds get placed in our Magical Container,
the same very Deeds will eventually flow out. So it is entirely
up to you how you wish to be recognized by your fellow men
and women. If wrong deeds have filled your Magical Container
they will eventually flow out one day and you will stand fully
exposed in shame or disgrace. If you have understood the mechanism
of how this works, you can decide to do only good from today
onwards and let those newly sown deeds enter your Magical
Container. For those who celebrate Easter and believe that
Jesus was crucified on Friday and came back to life three
days later, this can add new meaning to your life. Simply
decide to follow his footsteps and crucify all your Bad Deeds
and place them on the cross of self-examination. Let the life
and blood flow out of them and let them die by raising your
awareness about Good and Bad. And then rise, and be resurrected
as a Born-Again individual with goodness and righteousness
in your work, relationships and dealings with one and all.
You will be simply amazed to see how quickly your Magical
Container gets filled up with your Good Deeds and soon begins
to over-flow for everyone to witness the new journey and deeds
of a Born-Again, and be inspired to follow your foot-steps
leading to true Success, Prosperity and Goodness on Earth.
Can you do this, yes you can.
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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