Amazing Water Therapy

Drink 5/6 glasses (1.5 Litres) of water every morning and avoid medicines, injections, doctor fees etc.
You'll never believe this until you actually begin practicing!

Following Ailments have positively responded and been cured with this therapy:

Cough, Ashtma, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Tubercolosis, Kidney stones, Urogenital diseases, Hyper Acidity, Dysentry, Gastroenteritis, Uterus Cancer, Constipation, Diabetes, Eye diseases, Irregular Mensuration, Breast cancer, Laryngitis, Headache, Leukemia, Arthritis, BP & Hypertension.

Therapy Procedure:

Early morning as soon you get up from bed, drink 1.5 litres of water, i.e. 5 to 6 glasses. The water should be at room temperature and consumed sip by sip while seated on a chair. The early morning saliva has immense healing properties, which will enter your body with the first water intake and help to bring it back to its natural healthy state.

No other drinks or solid food of any sort should be taken one hour before and after drinking. It is important to drink the right kind of water. Do not go for tap water as it contains chlorine and other impurities that are harmful to your health. The best water to drink is distilled water, and you can easily buy a water distiller from Amazon and convert your ordinary tap water into distilled water.

It is advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day, i.e. morning, afternoon and night, one hour before meals for one week, and twice a day there-after, until the disease disappears.

Consuming water in this manner purifies the human body, which is made up of 70% water. So the water we have in our bodies in the form of blood and other fluids should be clean and at the required level of density. If we allow the blood to become thicker, the heart has to work harder to filter out the various wastes and toxins, to collect and distribute nutrients, and to have the blood recharged with oxygen from our lungs. As blood is the main tool for curing ailments and restoring health, the Water Therapy does the job of keeping it at the required density level and cleansing our entire system.

In simple terms, the Water Therapy is like taking an inner bath. For example, to take an outer bath we would need at least a bucket of water, as with two or three cups we cannot clean our body. Similarly, to take a inner bath two or three glasses cannot do the required job; we need a full 1.5 litres of water to properly cleanse our system from inside. The human body is the most wonderful creation on Earth, every single thing you can dream of is built in. God has even placed a Doctor within this body which we normally term as the Healing Mechanism. The modern medical science agrees that every single disease is due to toxins in our body, which we can term as the dirt inside. Like we use water to clean the dirt of our outer body, clothes, homes etc., in exactly the same manner, we should use water to clean the inner dirt too. The Healing Mechanism is highly intelligent and efficient. It is continuously on the look-out for problems in the body and curing them. The toxins or the dirt are the only things which hamper its work of healing. So by drinking 1.5 litres water every morning, we are only clearing away the obstacles and making our inner body clean, so that the Healing Mechanism can do its job as it has been programmed to do.

With this Therapy, not only will you be curing and avoiding so many ailments, you'll also get a beautiful glowing skin. In addition, you'll find yourself more energetic, vivacious, and cheerful the entire day, and have a peaceful sleep at night. As your metabolism returns to normal levels, you'll feel more hungry and have a better appetite; and if you simply maintain your present diet, you will begin to lose weight without any effort or exercise. At the same time, your sexual energy will bounce back and take you back to your youth.

Over the past years, I've met many people who have been practicing this Therapy. The amazing thing is that all of them shared the same experience of keeping good health and getting healed from various ailments within a short time. A certain fellow has been doing it from the past ten years, and when I asked him what were the benefits he derived, he said that since he began the therapy, not one day has he fallen sick, been to a doctor or taken any medicine. My Mother suffered from a daily chronic headache for 46 years. She tried all possible medicines and treatments but nothing worked. When she began the Water Therapy, within a month she got healed.

In these modern times we live in, the human nature has turned so negative that we tend to have no faith in remedies that Mother Nature has bestowed upon us, remedies that are so cost-less but cost effective, and so much affordable by the rich or poor alike. We rather place our faith on man made modern medications and poisonous drugs which the poor cannot afford, but the rich and poor suffer alike from the serious side effects, more than the effect of the disease itself. The end result is always the same as these drugs only treat the symptoms, never the cause, which results into new disease after disease.

Life is to live and to live healthily!

When you are healthy, you are Happy!

The Water Therapy will put you on that permanent road of good health and Happiness!

Try it out, and become living examples of this Therapy, and spread it around to who ever you can. This would be the best gift you ever gave yourself, and one of the greatest deeds you'll do towards Humanity!


Gurdip Hari
Author | Healer | Health Reformer

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