can there be a Heaven on Earth
Many people ask me, How can there be a Heaven on Earth?
And in turn I ask them, What kind of scenario do they expect
to see in Heaven? Most of them answer that they expect an
abundance of peace, an abundance of love, no suffering, no
sickness, and an abundance of joy, laughter and wealth.
Have you ever
thought that by doing just one simple thing you could find
that Heaven right here on Earth. And that simple thing is
to take care of your Body and give it the love and respect
it truly deserves. If you believe there is a Creator who created
and gave us this most amazing and biggest wonder in the entire
Universe, then taking care of it would be the biggest praise
and the greatest love that we could give back to our source
of creation.
What you give
is what you get, or to term it more precisely, what you sow
is what you reap. The fruit can never be different than the
seed. Imagine if you give your Body an abundance of love,
then what you wlll get, if peace is the seed what kind of
fruit are you going to receive. Where there is love, there
is peace, and there is no suffering, no sickness, but an abundance
of joy, laughter and wealth. The truth is that Health is our
biggest Wealth, and only with this kind of wealth can you
buy your ticket to enter that Heaven on Earth.
My job is to show
you the path, but you will have to make the effort to walk.
So are you Ready to walk on that path that leads to Heaven?Then
click on the link below and check out this book - 'Mental,
Physical & Spiritual Health'. This book will help you
to completely transform your life and move toward Happiness,
Peace, Success and Eternal youth. If you cannot afford to
buy this book, simply send me an email to:
and I will send you a free copy as a gift.
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
Hari's Books available from the following link:
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