Cures and Modern Medicine
modern medical system treats the symptoms and suppresses the
disease but does very little to find out the root cause. These
modern medicines only relieve the ailments without actually
curing and usually have very harmful side-effects, as they
hinder the self healing process of the body, thus making recovery
more difficult.
modern medicines are like a double-edged sword, as the patient
has to recover twice, first from the illness and then from
the harmful effects of the drugs. They do not cure the disease,
the disease continues and returns back in a different form
at a different time. Moreover these medicines produce dietary
deficiencies as they destroy the body's natural nutrients.
The root cause of disease is free flow of toxins in our body,
created by emotional disturbance, un-healthy food, lack of
physical exercise etc., and these modern drugs produce even
more toxicity at a time when the body is least capable of
coping with it.
Therefore the power to cure lies not in these drugs, but in
modern medical system looks for the cure only after disease
has set in, where-as natural cures place greater emphasis
on preventive methods by adopting measures to attain and maintain
good health with proper diet and exercise, and there-by prevent
disease. The modern system takes each disease on its own merits
by having a particular drug for it, where-by the natural cures
take the entire human body as the base and seek to restore
harmony on the physical, mental and spiritual planes.
natural cures work on the basic principle of getting rid of
accumulated waste and toxins from the body and restore the
equilibrium of the system in conformity with the constructive
principles of nature. The toxins and poisons are removed without
any injury to the vital organs of the body and the disease
gets rooted out by the internal curing mechanism, where-as
the modern medicines provide only temporary relief with catastrophic
side-effects to our internal organs, thus rendering the body
weak and open to further disease.
The choices we make today reflect clearly on our tomorrows.
Let's make the right choices where our physical well-being
and good health is concerned. If we do not have enough time
to pass other important values to our children, let's at-least
try healing ourselves with natural cures and pass on this
timeless treasure to our future generations, so they may enjoy
optimum health and abundance of happiness!
Let this be the heritage we leave behind for them.
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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