cure treatments are very ancient and were widely practiced
in ancient Rome, Egypt, Greece and India. However the term,
'Naturopathy' is relatively of recent origin. Hippocrates,
the father of medicine said that it is Nature which cures,
not the physician, and he strongly recommended these natural
treatments. Even the Vedic culture of ancient India highlights
the use of nature's foremost healing agents, water, air, earth
and sun. The extensive use of water as a healing agent is
clearly seen in the discovery of the Great Baths of the Indus
modern ways of nature cure have their origins in Germany,
when Vincent Priessnitz established the hydropathic establishment
in 1822. Due to his great success with the water cure treatments,
the news of nature cure spread widely to many countries. A
number of medical practitioners from United States, England
and other countries became his students to learn these amazing
natural treatments. Subsequently these students developed
their own methods of healing based upon the natural techniques,
and this knowledge was later given one common name, Naturopathy
by Dr. Benedict Lust (1872-1945), who incidentally is known
as the Father of Naturopathy.
basic theory of Naturopathy is based upon the fact that we
are born healthy and can stay healthy by living in accordance
with laws of nature. The entire philosophy is based upon three
basic principles which have been tested and proved from over
a century of successful Naturopathy treatments in Germany,
England and United States.
first principle is that all diseases are due to the accumulation
of toxins and waste materials in the human body. These materials
get piled up due to improper diet, lack of exercise, mental
stress due to monetary or family problems, excess work etc.
So the basic principle which is applied is to employ ways
to clear the system from these toxins and accumulated waste.
All natural treatments follow this basic principle in curing
any disease.
second principle is that acute diseases like digestive disorders,
inflammations, colds, fevers, skin eruptions etc are basically
efforts on part of the human body, to throw off the toxins
and waste from within the system. When toxins accumulate,
the organs of the body like the bowels, kidneys and lungs
are overworked and cannot clear them as quickly as they are
produced. Moreover mental disturbance and stress cause imbalance
in the body's electric field where cell metabolism takes place.
When this electric field is undisturbed, germs can live without
multiplying, but once it is disturbed, the germs multiply
and cause disease.
Other major diseases like diabetes, asthma, heart problems
etc are the direct result of not curing the acute diseases
by natural methods and their continued suppression by employing
harmful methods such as the modern drugs and vaccines.
third principle is that our body is equipped by the Creator
with a unique self healing mechanism which will bring back
the body to normal conditions of health, if proper natural
methods are used to assist the system to function properly.
are the basic principles of Naturopathy based upon the simple
fact that the power to cure disease lies within the body and
not in the hands of the physician.
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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