really is Infidelity?
Is it what proves masculinity
Or shows your femininity!
Sensory illusions, is what it is
An inception of physical love
Not with your soul-mate
But anyone, whose outer self
May charm your mind
Take you towards darkness
Make you blind!
really is Infidelity?
A journey into an un-real world
Where inner beauty is locked
As our outer needs play havoc
With our body and soul!
True feelings of love get submerged
Into depths of the night
At the end of our created tunnel
There's not even a shadow
Of our inner sunlight!
we lose track, and forget
The vows that were taken
With full collaboration of two hearts
In God's presence!
As we turn towards Infidelity
We often forget the reality
Physical love fades with time
As the human body turns to dust
Karmic reactions of our lust
Continue to evolve, time after time!
we find our inner beauty
Our soul-mate's true love and affection
And the Absolute Truth!
Soul to soul union
Is, but a prelude
A practice session
For souls to merge
Evolve into Oneness
To become part of the Whole
A part of, The Supreme Soul!
Author | Healer | Health Reformer
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